Cabinet Refinishing
We can take your old, tired cabinets and make them look like new again with our quality cabinet refinishing services. But first a quick word about keeping them new for as long as you can.

Your cabinets are a major investment, so it’s critical to take care of them. Keeping them clean and dry is most important. Murphy’s Soap or Melaleuca’s Rustic Touch are excellent for cleaning while still protecting the wood. It is very important that you dry them immediately if they get wet. Pay special attention to areas under the sink or near the oven, microwave, or dishwasher. Also, be sure that steam from your coffee maker doesn’t hit the cabinets above. No matter how careful you are, cabinet finishes like everything else will eventually fail. Of course, it’s best to refinish as soon as your cabinets start to show signs of flaking or damage to the clear finish. This will usually show first under sinks or next to the stove or dishwasher. But if for some reason, they have gone beyond the point where a simple re-lacquering will fix them, don’t despair. We can help.

As long as the wood itself is still in good shape- there is hope. Even dark water stains can often be bleached and re-stained.
(You may click on the photo on the left for an enlarged view that clearly shows staining and wear under the sink.) And if you’re just tired of that old ugly whitewash we can often strip it down to bare wood and re-stain it to a more pleasing color. Modern finishes are more durable than ever- even under the strict VOC guidelines set by the government.

If you like the configuration of your cabinets and want to keep the existing countertops, but need to replace a few doors, have peeling veneer, or other damage that cannot be simply re-stained, you might want to consider re-skinning you cabinets. Re-skinning gives the opportunity to upgrade your doors, rearrange the use of a key opening, or cover or replace a splintered or blistered panel. Depending on the cost of the doors you choose, re-skinning may not cost much more than a full strip and re-stain, and gives you a lot more options. When done properly it is virtually indistinguishable from new cabinets.
For those really difficult repair or remodel jobs we bring in the experts at SoCal Creative Woodworks. Jeff and his crew can handle most anything wood related, and are experts when it comes to cabinets, entertainment centers, built-in desks and closets, and the like. Be sure to check with them before starting your kitchen or bath remodel or having new cabinets built. You won’t find a better cabinetmaker anywhere in Southern California. You can see some of their work at the bottom of our Previous Projects page.