Interior Painting
Like exterior painting, there is a lot to take into account when painting the interior of your home as well. One thing we often don’t think about is that people will see the results at much closer range, so in general everything needs to be looked at with a somewhat more critical eye. Here are a few things that need to be taken into account.
As with any painting job, preparation is the key to everything. A surface that is not properly prepared will result in peeling paint, stains that bleed through, and a generally ugly appearance. Proper preparation includes:
Sanding any glossy surfaces- this gives the substrate some “tooth”, something that the new top coat can hold on to. In addition a bonding primer should be used on any questionable surfaces (oil based paint, varnish or lacquer, etc.) to ensure a good hold and protect against peeling.
Filling holes and cracks- A little time spent with a putty knife, caulk gun, and some quality materials can go a long way toward improving the look of your paint job. Casing and moldings should be caulked at joints and nail holes filled to give the feel of a single molded piece. Baseboards should also be caulked to the wall.
Quality paints will almost always pay for themselves over time. They will stand up to moisture and abrasion better and will hold color longer than cheaper grades.
Enamels should be used on all woodwork as well as kitchen and bath walls. Enamel is more durable, easier to clean, and less likely to be susceptible to mold and other problems common in high humidity. Modern enamels are available in a variety of sheens from high gloss all the way down to a matte finish that is barely indistinguishable from a flat. Modern water based acrylic and urethane enamels are just as durable as the old oil based products but don’t yellow with age.
Flat paints are still common in most living areas, although eggshell enamels are becoming more popular as they can bring out the color and give a little more life to the room without feeling institutional.
Color & Design
This is the fun part! Be creative, take into account your furniture, paintings or other wall hangings, and any other fabric or knick knacks you might have. There are tons of great books and television shows to give you ideas, and we are always happy to give our input to current clients. But most of all, this is your space, so do what makes you happy. (Photo here is a kid’s playroom.)